The Kwan Barn: Episode 5
Davo's Old Home in Wakeley
8:45pm 13th January 2012

Dutka has invited Davo to mingle with everyone else at his house. This included the newly formed Slop Knot 2, Jamal and Conrad and the computer hacker, Katie and the star of the hit soap "The Bold and the Beautiful," Steve.

Dutka is in his Volkswagen Beetle with his dog, "Anna Kornakova" as he waits for Davo...
Davo walks out of the house and opens Dutka's car door...

Davo: "Dutka!"

Dutka: "Davo! how have you been?..."

Davo: "not bad...not bad..."

Dutka pats his dog...

Dutka: "I want you to meet Anna Kornakova..."

Davo looks at the dog...Davo: "Hi Anna..." looks at Dutka... Davo: "How have you been...?"

Dutka: "Tam-Chi's banging a butcher..."

Theme Song: "Honey" by Moby

Davo: "Shit!" and gets into Dutka's car and they drive off....

Dutka: "it all happened a month ago..."

Davo: "I know...i heard she gave you the mid-life talk..."

Dutka: "it shits me...what right does she have to give me...the mid-life talk...?"

Davo: "i guess you've been going out for 6 years..."

Dutka: "so?!..."

Davo: "how old is Tam-Chi...?"

Dutka: "nah man....don't you start..."

Davo: "How old is she Dutka?"

Dutka: "fuck it..."

Davo: "how old is she?..."

Dutka: "ok...ok...she's 27..."

Davo: "27...27....maybe she wants to have kids...."

Dutka: "fuck that....i wanna have kids too..but what's the rush?....Clint Eastwood just had a child he's freaking 60 years old...oh well...pubs here...i'm gonna stop and grab a slab..."

Davo: "sure..."


Episode 6 of the Kwan Barn