On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, as his limousine drove by the Texas School Book Depository building and through Dealey Plaza. The question in the JFK assassination is not whether who pulled the trigger, but who was behind the conspiracy. The conspiracy that lead to the tragic death of John F. Kennedy and the cover up that had lasted for over four and a half decades. As people believed that the "crime of the century"
had been solved and that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman when he
successfully assassinated JFK, based on the evidence that is found involving
the assassination, those believers should now have their doubts. In other
words, what they believed to be true is likely to be nothing but a lie. To justify that Lee Harvey Oswald could not have made a successful hit on JFK and his passenger Governor John Connally of Texas, the FBI and the Secret Service, said that one bullet, "The Miracle Bullet," was all it took. The miracle bullet, had hit JFK, passed through the muscle of his upper back, exited from his lower throat, traveled a few feet in the air, changed course, and entered Connally's back, plunged through his body, broke about five inches of one of his right rib bones, came out again, and then slammed into his right wrist, where it broke two more bones, exited again, and then pierced his thigh and ended its strange journey embedded in his thigh bone. It is unlikely that this theory is true, though if it was possible, the individual must consider that the "miracle bullet" was from Oswald’s first attempt out of three shots in a time frame of 6.3 seconds. They would also have to take into account that the second bullet was shot into a curb 52m away from JFK’s limousine; a very bad miss for a person that had shot "the miracle bullet." |
A picture next to this essay shows JFK at the point were he would be shot. Between the centre top and the top right hand corner is where Lee Harvey Oswald was supposed to be positioned when he assassinated JFK. The thing that should strike many people is that a big oak tree is positioned between Lee Harvey and JFK’s limousine. How could Lee Harvey make such a successful hit on the president when a large tree blocked any sight of his target from his position? The only time that Lee Harvey could have had a clear target was either seconds before or seconds after JFK’s limousine had past that oak tree, but he was shot at that precise moment. Based on evidence such as these, Lee Harvey could not have made a successful hit alone. Why did the FBI and the Secret Service release false statements to the public that said that two bullets hit JFK and one hit the Governor of Texas? Was it just carelessness or was it a planned move to cover up the people behind the conspiracy? Was there more than one shooter in the incident? Why would anyone want to kill President John F. Kennedy? |
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John F. Kennedy was a president that was not favored by many people. This hatred may be the root that had lead to his assassination in November 22nd, 1963. There were many reasons why he was hated though the main reasons would have to be that he refused to escalate American involvement in the Vietnam War. JFK wanted to end the Cold War and this was opposed to because a lot of Americans wanted to fight against communism. He was a threat to certain international bankers with his money reforms. There were also other reasons but they were more from individuals rather than the public. J. Edgar Hoover did not like JFK personally and wanted to retain his position as Director of the FBI. The CIA believed he was a threat because of his intention to dismantle their organisation. The Mafia did not like him because of his war against organised crime. There is a slight possibility that JFK’s death could have been Vice-president Lyndon Johnson’s intention to take over the presidency. Even though these theories were based on assumptions, they are still valid.
A conspiracy is defined as a partnership in some criminal activity. As Lee Harvey Oswald alone could not have possibly hit JFK successfully, there was a conspiracy behind it. The question that is now been asked is who was behind the conspiracy. A small number of suspects has been chosen because they were either involved in the JFK assassination, or had knowledge of it before the incident, and had not bothered to prevent it.
When the CIA is said to be involved in the JFK assassination, it is mainly referring about the CIA’s covert operations personnel. The agents that specialize in sabotage, propaganda and assassination. If a conspiracy was behind the JFK assassination, there would be a high possibility that the CIA was involved. This is because they had a motive as stated before; JFK had clear intentions to reorganize or dismantle the CIA. Some Senators such as George Smathers reported that JFK blamed the CIA for the assassination of the South Vietnam’s corrupt dictator, "Ngo Dinh Diem." JFK did not like the CIA because they teamed up with the Mafia to accomplish their covert operations. This exchange of hatred between the CIA and President Kennedy shows that the CIA had a motive and that it is likely that they were involved in the assassination if it were a conspiracy. The CIA were probably involved in the on ground activity such as supplying the person that had pulled the trigger.
J. Edgar Hoover before the assassination was the director of the FBI and knew that JFK would not reappoint him as the FBI director within the following year. In 1962, the FBI managed to record important conversations between Mafia leaders about a hit on President Kennedy. Even though Hoover was the director of the FBI at the time, he did not bother to report the Mafia’s intent to assassinate JFK to the Secret Service. Hoover did not even warn President Kennedy of such news or his boss, Attorney General Robert Kennedy. J. Edgar Hoover hated JFK because he believed that he was an immoral leader, endangering America as a nation and independence in the world. Hoover is unlikely to have played an active role in the assassination in its self, though he falls into the category that had known that such an event would occur but did not make an attempt to prevent it. |
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These are only some of the suspects, though it all seems to make sense. The CIA and the Mafia joined together for the on ground operations as they have the skilled personnel and the funding to support such operations. Some of the Dallas Police officers may have little involvement because they allowed Jack Ruby to shoot Lee Harvey Oswald by minimizing security around him. The FBI and director J. Edgar Hoover may be responsible for the massive cover up. This is evident as the FBI release false statements in the direction of the bullets that Lee Harvey Oswald "supposedly" shot.
These list of suspects may be bias and that this theory is only based on assumptions, though it is a pure fact that Lee Harvey Oswald, was not the lone assassin when President Kennedy was killed. The real question is not whether who pulled the trigger, but who was behind the conspiracy. The conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy and the massive cover up that had lasted for over four and a half decades.
Could these men have had some role
in communication with the assassination team?
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